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Germany Prepares to Launch Social Media Gestapo: The End is Near

Phil Butler, October 01

The news that the border-free Schengen Zone is unravelling is scary news for the 420 million citizens living within the passport-free zone. What’s a hundred times scarier is the purposeful deconstruction of relations going on underneath. Most importantly, recent moves by Germany and proposals that remind us of past horrors will undoubtedly spell disaster.

Germany Prepares to Launch Social Media Gestapo

Your PAYPERS Pleez

As unbelievable as it may seem, the German police are behind a movement to begin checking the social media accounts of Schengen visa applicants when processing their applications. Many readers will imagine stern men in knee-length leather coats demanding “papers” with thick Aryan accents. While the Germans claim the measures are meant to prevent fraudsters from entering the region/country, the Schengen News report tells us there is more going on than some affable cops hunting immigrants. The takeaway from the publication spills the beans:

It has also been recommended that risk profiles be created. [and] Such recommendations have been made to put an end to visa fraud and better verify applicants.

So, the EU, led by the Germans, has set out on a course to create an oligarchy or dictatorship. In the United States, the same movement is at hand

The report also discusses how so-called decision-makers would filter through social media and other open-source resources to determine if a person should face more “intensive examination.” No, I am not joking, and the report goes on to reveal German police will gather information (data) on visa applicants without their permission. According to the Germans, everything will be legal and above board.

The various stories about European border control issues are focused on immigrants, most predominantly those entering certain countries in the wake of COVID-19. Nowhere is there any mention of the millions of refugees driven to Europe by American/NATO/EU actions to create and perpetuate the regime changes Arab Spring brought about. For some experts, this avalanche of refugees descending on Europe was part of a larger plan for rearranging our world. This is another issue, but it’s clear the EU, the Eurozone, and the Schengen Zone are in big trouble. Actually, this means big trouble for us all, given the broader implications. There is some pushback within the European community of nations, however. Dr Saila Heinikoski, a senior research fellow at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA), told Euronews:

 “I doubt these (Schengen) countries are willing to remove their border control soon due to the signal it would send. The checks are often random and not very invasive, and I think they are maintained also for symbolic purposes: showing citizens, other EU countries and potential migrants that there is an exceptional situation in Europe that the government is tackling.”

Hillary Clinton’s Reichstag?

Observing all this from a higher elevation, it’s not difficult to see that the liberal world order is desperately trying to censor, if not imprison, any entity or person not in compliance with their ideology and their hegemony. When former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested Trump supporters to be thrown in prison for sharing misinformation, the moment of democracy’s downfall was punctuated. To be blunt, we are not simply joking about a cliche German secret police here, we’re seeing a multinational Gestapo taking shape.

Many American and segments of the European community understand this. The proxy war on Russia, the continual war drums beating against China, the Israelis unleashed on the Palestinians without resource of law, the writing is not on the wall, it’s plastered across the clear blue sky. Take the huge brush strokes corporate media is painting to identify their enemies as enemies of the state. When Elon Musk interviewed with former Fox News superstar Tucker Carlson, for instance, Politico (which is owned by Axel Springer) and the other descended on Musk and Carlson as if they were the enemies of humanity.

By the way, Axel Springer promotes the Palestinian genocide going on in Palestine now, while at the same time making money off the illegal settlements Netanyahu’s government is creating. I take the following directly from The Intercept:

“Springer’s Israeli classified ads website Yad2 — the largest Craigslist-like classifieds site in the country — publishes real estate listings across Israel, including rental apartments and sales in Israeli settlements that are considered illegal under international law.”

Again, we have deviated onto another tangent of the larger play at world domination, and they deconstruct of any form of democracy. Get this. Elon Musk recently told the world that the EU offered him an illegal secret deal to “quietly” censor speech after the commission accused it of breaching EU digital laws. He said the EU offered to drop fines on his company if he complied. He also had this to say:

“The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not. We look forward to a very public battle in court, so that the people of Europe can know the truth.”

The EU minions denied and deflected Musk’s claim, but it seems certain he will have proof of what he claims. There’s also the case where the Brazilian Supreme Court blatantly violated free speech rights by banning X when Musk declined to censor disfavored views. The Brazilian powers that be wanted Musk to give up his representative in Brazil, and Musk would not. He feared Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes would certainly jail the X representative. Brazil subsequently seized Musk’s Starlink.

The Final Solution – Ultimate Control

So, the EU, led by the Germans, has set out on a course to create an oligarchy or dictatorship. In the United States, the same movement is at hand. Remember that Musk allowed the so-called  “Twitter files” that have exposed the social media company’s past censorship machine against Donald Trump and others. Now factor in who is trying to censor news, information, and opinion – essentially all the tenets that make for a democracy. What we are witnessing is the creation of what European historian Professor Robert Gellately would characterize as the Gestapo tactic of:

“[Forcing] the participation of some institutions in the surveillance and control of the population, including the active participation of the citizen in policing and the informal social reinforcement of the terror system.”

The Western elites order their media empire and the think tanks to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin for reflecting on history. The leadership in Washington, London, Brussels, and in Berlin are hard at work creating a new and improved Gestapo. If we recall, it was Himmler’s secret police who listened to telephone calls, intercepted letters and encouraged ordinary Germans to inform on their fellow citizens. And, it was Hitler’s (and perhaps Hillary Clinton’s) SS who set up concentration camps where ‘enemies of the state’ were sent.

In Nazi Germany, the number of crimes punishable by death increased from 3 to 46. And it all started with gathering information, controlling the message, and “intense examination” of certain individuals. We need to pay close attention.


Phil Butler, is a policy investigator and analyst, a political scientist and expert on Eastern Europe, he’s an author of the recent bestseller “Putin’s Praetorians” and other books. He writes exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook

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